🗓 April 15, at 11 am ET - Thursday, April 20, at 1:59 am ET
😍 up to 40% off select spring cleaning essentials—including our new Season Essentials and Red Cedar Bliss essential oil blends, and

🥰 15% off select supplements.

✌️ Plus, buy one oil for you, get one to share, and get your pick of Young Living gear!

🛒 Deals are available on one-time orders while quantities last. Loyalty Rewards points aren’t eligible to use during this sale.

⚖️ Sale discounts will apply both to price and PV

Have you ever bought one of those expensive jars of lemon- (or lime or grapefruit) curd and thought it’s tangy yumminess must be super hard to make or have expensive ingredients because of how much it costs? I am here to help you realize the simplicity of the recipe
The expression is: Where there's a will, there's a way. The question is: Whose will? Dive into a few thoughts on finding your purpose in life, and how to succeed while serving others.
Young Living was one of the first companies to offer an amazing juice blend based on the Wolfberry/Goji berry - and remains one of the only companies to incorporate pure essential oils in the mix. Drink 4 oz a day for two weeks, then 2 oz a day for the next six weeks and see how you feel at the end. Take a look for the details on why this drink is worth a shot.
This meal is a family favorite and even the kids eat it up! It is super versatile and can be made in a hurry and has lots of great nutritional options to it. I am putting the recipe on here in pictures, it's that easy to make! Enjoy!