You may have heard that Oils that are higher in sesquiterpenes will help your body in more ways. But what is a SESQUITERPENE and why can it help? Take a look: at this brief explanation
We're going to play a game with the pictures in this post today: How many kids in the shot are "junior high"? Have fun with it - and maybe look back on your own junior high years of awkwardness with a little more kindness than you may have in the past. You couldn't help it. You were ... Junior High. Let's talk about how we handle the changes that our children go through during those junior high years, particularly with an eye on their education. (With some essential oil suggestions at the end to help you keep your sanity!)

As my oldest is getting married tomorrow, I’m looking back at some older blog posts from one I previously wrote. The faces in these pictures are younger than what you’d see in our home now, and a part of me misses those days. But this is a good life, in all of its “doing”. Live every day to its fullest possible moment, because one day, the old pictures will bring it all back.
I hope you enjoy my little note from a past self. And that it helps you see life in a different way.
It's okay to do math with your Legos, and it's okay to build towers out of your math blocks. Let your kids explore with them and release the expectation that they will think inside the box.
Read more...If the recent changes in education have you pondering whether or not maybe you could homeschool after all, but you don’t know where to start, this is the blog post for you.