When was the last time you looked? When was the last time you took a simple action that might change your life? I am so confident that these two actions will change your life that I feel like everyone should take these five minutes each day for themselves and they can be life changing. Take the time. You won't regret it.
When you start the day off with a plan, and all-the-things go wrong... this is that day.
Read more...My husband was in Iraq in 2007. At the time, I was home alone for 18 months with our three sons. It was rough. And a few times throughout that year, I faced anxiety attacks that took my breath away, and I needed to learn how to deal with them so I could continue taking care of my life, kids, job, and other obligations. Step inside and I'll share some of those tips and a few I've picked up in the years since then, with you here.

In looking back through my youth, the time of my life that I look back on with the most embarrassment and discomfort, is junior high. That stage between 11 and 13, where you're too old to keep playing little kid games, and think you know everything, but aren't old enough to accept that you don't (know everything, that is), and to top it all off, you want very much to be accepted by a group... any group.. and in the pursuit, you lose a lot of yourself for a little while and make some really un-wise decisions. Anyone else feel that way about those years?
Read more...Sometimes life just kicks you in the teeth, and you don't know what to grab, or what to use to balance everything out. Abigail McDonald is going to share some Essential Oils for aromatherapy and topical use. Take a few minutes to learn about her faves, and comment your own for us to try.