We are Orthodox Christian, and every five years our Easter lands on the same day and weekend as the rest of America. However, this year was not that fifth year. So our Holy Week was last week, and our Easter weekend (we call it Pascha) was this past Saturday and Sunday. Holy Week in our church is a big deal, and a lot of effort - I confess, that I don't often keep up with all, or even most, of the almost 20 services our priest holds in the course of 8 days. That is more than two a day some days! If I'm tired by the end of it, I know he is!
But we do make it to the evening services for Wednesday-Saturday, with Saturday being the height of our celebration of Christ's rising from the grave and conquering death. This service is one that begins at 10:30 pm, and ends around 1 am. After that, we have a big party with foods we've been fasting from for the previous 48 days (wine/alcohol, meats, dairy, eggs, and olive oil) and enjoy an hour (or three) of early, early morning fellowship. Then we go home to sleep for about 5 hours and come back at 11 am for a final service and - at our church - an easter egg hunt in the back of the church for the littles.
So today, on this first post-Pascha day, things are quiet in our house. We are not racing to get things done, not working to scrub things down or clean up, not making plans. Just sitting and recuperating a little. Needless to say, all that hard partying is like the biggest college weekend you ever had - and it takes a toll on the immune system! In truth, I see many of the same results as the school year starts back up, when stress is higher, or during early summer months when we're traveling and seeing friends and don't want a good night to end.
So we have a couple of chocolate-induced headaches, and some sugar-induced sniffles going on. And I'm using oils in my arsenal to move forward quickly from the lethargy and struggle. In this quiet moment, I thought I'd share some of what we're doing with you so you can build up your post-party tool kit too:
We are using...
Vitality Drops to encourage us to drink more water

Ocotea to help keep blood sugar levels balanced and to reduce cravings for things that aren't so good for us (diabetics should be careful with using Ocotea - message me if you need details on this oil's effects)

DiGize to aid good digestion with such a drastic dietary change
Peppermint to help with a bit of head discomfort

We have more we are using as a large family, but these are the basic must-haves for recovery from too much of a good time. I hope your spring is starting out in the most amazing way! Come visit us soon for tips on continuing into gardening season and enjoying the increasingly great weather!

PS - I love my Young Living community and know that it can help so many people. If you know someone who would benefit from our products or who is looking for a life coach to guide them in healthier choices and ways to reset in body, mind, and spirit, I'll give you a thank you gift of a an Amazon or Starbucks gift card when they contact me to make their first order! I'd love for you to share my blog post or referral link to help them get started. Please and thank you!