Foods, Oils, & Supplements good for men’s T levels and people’soverall health (a short list) (All oils and supplements can be found in one wish list linked at the end of the post so you can easily research for yourself!)

Brussels sprouts
Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes
Fish like wild salmon
tinned sardines or oysters
Grass fed beef and bone broth
Coconut oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
**Note: the list is long - but basically: a varied diet, and STOP ✋🛑✋ eating crap, processed foods like crackers, non-fermented breads, over processed seed oils, fast food, and too much soy**
Fish like wild salmon
tinned sardines or oysters
Grass fed beef and bone broth
Coconut oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
**Note: the list is long - but basically: a varied diet, and STOP ✋🛑✋ eating crap, processed foods like crackers, non-fermented breads, over processed seed oils, fast food, and too much soy**

Make a base of olive oil and EVOO and add in
Black Pepper,
Ylang Ylang
Shutran beard oil (or Shutran EO blend)
Ylang Ylang
Shutran beard oil (or Shutran EO blend)
Keep it in a 4 oz jar to put on testicles after showers or about 5-10 minutes before intimacy.
* Note: As we've learned more, we have added oils that might not be in the graphic. Try different mixes out but these will all help male health and t-levels.
SUPPLEMENTS: (If you are taking other medications, it never hurts to let your doctor know you're taking a new supplement, and that you'd like them to monitor your medication needs while you work on improving your health.)

• Fedogia Agrestis (not sold by Young Living - I've linked the one my husband uses. It is not a paid endorsement, just what we purchase. You want to make sure you're getting it from a good source - and cycle it for 1-2 months on and take a month or two off for best health. A car engine isn’t meant to run at 100 mph all the time)
• Prostate Health supplement (Saw Palmetto, etc)
Prostate Health™ supports the male glandular system with uniquely formulated herbs and premium essential oils. It is formulated for men concerned with maintaining healthy, normal prostate function.*

Prostatic fluid is alkaline (also known as basic) and helps to neutralize the acidic environment of the vagina, therefore helping sperm to survive after ejaculation. The prostate also has some muscle fibers--which are involuntary muscles, not the type that you can control--that help to release semen during ejaculation.
The prostate can become a problem in three major ways: enlargement, infection, and cancer. As a man ages, the prostate tends to enlarge. Because the urethra runs through the prostate, an enlarged prostate tends to cause difficulty with urination--men may experience incomplete bladder emptying, urinary frequency or hesitancy, or frequent awakening at night to urinate. The prostate can become infected, causing symptoms of a urinary tract infection: pain with urination, urinary frequency or urgency, blood in the urine, and sometimes fevers. As you mention, the prostate can also develop cancer. Your primary care doctor can speak with you more about performing a physical exam of the prostate if you are concerned about prostate cancer.
• NingXia Red drink (this should be on every list)

NingXia Red is unlike any juice blend you'll find in the grocery store! This exclusive antioxidant drink not only tastes great but is clinically shown to increase physical energy levels, improve sleep patterns, and reduce daily stress. It’s packed with powerful antioxidants to help against oxidative stress, support normal cellular function, and promote healthy energy levels.* This all means your blood is going to move oxygen through your body more efficiently, so all your organs benefit. It also helps bind free radicals, which float around inside and cause problems... look up why you don't want this kind of "freedom" in your life.

PowerGize™ is an exercise and sports supplement that helps boost stamina, support healthy muscles, and increase muscle size and strength. A quick overview of the two ingredients I mentioned above now and will do a future post on Powergize to break out all the science. (Or you can see by going to the Science & Research section for Powergize it in the link below if you want to deep dive on your own.)
- Ashwagandha - This root can help lower stress and cortisol levels, thereby also helping with healthy blood pressure levels. It has also been shown to help with blood sugar levels and healthy joints.
- Tribulis Terrestrius - Might be helpful for increasing libido and T levels in men who struggle
- Longjack Root/Tongkat Ali - known to boost mood, manage healthy weight goals, increase libido, increase T levels, improve muscle mass and energy levels, may help with healthy bones
• Super-Cal Plus (Vitamin D + K2)
• Super B Tablets (B12) - DAILY ACTIVITIES:
- Walk
Lift weights
Power Nap
Continue your EO and Supplement research here-
Head here to see most of these products in one place
XO -

PS - Did you know we can sit down, talk about your health concerns and come up with a list of oils or products specific to your needs to make ordering easy? Coffee's on me! Let's talk.
~~~ I love my Young Living community and know that it can help so many people. If you know someone who would benefit from our products or who is looking for a life coach to guide them in healthier choices and ways to reset in body, mind, and spirit, I'll give you a thank you gift of a an Amazon or Starbucks gift card when they contact me to make their first order! I'd love for you to share my blog post or referral link to help them get started. Please and thank you! ~~~