Sometimes we in society move more like packs of dogs than birds in the air. Have you thought about the differences in the two? Which works better together and which is more chaotic? Here are some thoughts-from-Mel on these groups today.
When you start the day off with a plan, and all-the-things go wrong... this is that day.
I would love to think that they will never have incidents of disagreement but, let's be real, marriage is work, and sometimes we don't hear one another well or have a poor understanding - and hopefully these tips will be of some use to them when the time comes.
Read more...My husband was in Iraq in 2007. At the time, I was home alone for 18 months with our three sons. It was rough. And a few times throughout that year, I faced anxiety attacks that took my breath away, and I needed to learn how to deal with them so I could continue taking care of my life, kids, job, and other obligations. Step inside and I'll share some of those tips and a few I've picked up in the years since then, with you here.
A long-running theme in our lives is simplification. It is one of those things we have to keep doing and re-doing over time as gifts come in, new babies are added to the family, moves happen... you know: Life occurs!
So let's talk about budgeting, our...