Foods, Oils, & Supplements good for men’s T levels and people’s overall health. Take a closer look at some of Young Living's most useful supplements for increasing libido, strength, lowering stress, and staying strong!
This is a post for mature audiences - the already-married or nearly-married set. These are the marriage tips no one else is gonna give you.
And we’re just going to go there today - I’m going to give you ten tips for a good married life. Step inside to find better communication, and a blow-your-mind, T-level boosting, libido-boosting, sex-enhancing blend that will rock your bedroom life! We don't need details on what happens next, but would love to see baby pictures!

We're going to play a game with the pictures in this post today: How many kids in the shot are "junior high"? Have fun with it - and maybe look back on your own junior high years of awkwardness with a little more kindness than you may have in the past. You couldn't help it. You were ... Junior High. Let's talk about how we handle the changes that our children go through during those junior high years, particularly with an eye on their education. (With some essential oil suggestions at the end to help you keep your sanity!)