There are times - and oils - you might not want to directly wear your oils (citrus oils are a big one), but you still want them nearby for use. Come see four of our favorite ways to take oils on the go.
Read more...Have you ever bought one of those expensive jars of lemon- (or lime or grapefruit) curd and thought it’s tangy yumminess must be super hard to make or have expensive ingredients because of how much it costs? I am here to help you realize the simplicity of the recipe
It’s National Chocolate Day! Why not try out this Super tasty Peppermint Patty, using cocoa powder and butter instead of chocolate chips? These make a fantastic and unique gift to give and go great with Truffles to your chocolate-lover friends! (Keep these recipes on hand for Christmas)
This is your starter list of easy, DIY gift ideas to share at Christmas this year. There are more to come! Take a look, return for more. In this post you'll find my recipes for sweet nuts, seriously spicy nuts, handprint tee shirts, and more! Join our gift-giving fun as we approach the release of the Young Living holiday catalog, and a time of blessing to one another for Christmas fun!
Noreen, Kim, and Debbie share their hormone helps with us, and what they included in a gift bag to help the ladies out - you're going to laugh until you cry watching today's Lunchtime Learning!