Having quick, easy meals is always a challenge for a big family - more so if you can make them affordable amidst rising food prices! Jump on in and take a look at the meals we made this last week (ish), (almost) all for less than $20, and feeding more than eight people. We love a good party and these meals will be a hit for your house too!
Sometimes we in society move more like packs of dogs than birds in the air. Have you thought about the differences in the two? Which works better together and which is more chaotic? Here are some thoughts-from-Mel on these groups today.
Check out what I found on my van seat... and what product I hacked to get it clean. Love my kids, but... !!! It's gotta go!
This is a post for mature audiences - the already-married or nearly-married set. These are the marriage tips no one else is gonna give you.
And we’re just going to go there today - I’m going to give you ten tips for a good married life. Step inside to find better communication, and a blow-your-mind, T-level boosting, libido-boosting, sex-enhancing blend that will rock your bedroom life! We don't need details on what happens next, but would love to see baby pictures!

I would love to think that they will never have incidents of disagreement but, let's be real, marriage is work, and sometimes we don't hear one another well or have a poor understanding - and hopefully these tips will be of some use to them when the time comes.