Full disclosure: I’m not a big DIY-er - what about you? But I’m all about customizing my soaps and cleaners with a few drops of oil to get wonderful fall fragrances all around my home! Over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing a few easy tricks to keep the fall scents without having to head to the mall!
First up: Sugar + Spice dish soap. Just add 5-10 drops each of Stress Away and Christmas Spirit to a bottle AromaEase essential oil blend is perfect for creating a powerful and comforting space.Thieves Dish Soap! Super easy, right? And bonus: You can stretch 1 bottle into 3 by diluting it 1:3 with water, and adding a capful of Thieves Cleaner to each bottle! Need the bubble action? Add 1 Tbsp baking soda too ;)
What fall scents are you loving right now?

First up: Sugar + Spice dish soap. Just add 5-10 drops each of Stress Away and Christmas Spirit to a bottle AromaEase essential oil blend is perfect for creating a powerful and comforting space.Thieves Dish Soap! Super easy, right? And bonus: You can stretch 1 bottle into 3 by diluting it 1:3 with water, and adding a capful of Thieves Cleaner to each bottle! Need the bubble action? Add 1 Tbsp baking soda too ;)
What fall scents are you loving right now?