My husband has been doing a new training program in the gym. He has tried many over the years but this is the first one we've found that gives as much focus on micronutrients, nutrition, and recovery as it does to what weights and methods to use for sustainable strength training and growth. I'll share more about the program and what he's learning as he continues to progress with it. Together we are learning all about just how much Young Living has put into our supplements to truly support our bodies!
1. Whether you're working out or not, keeping the body healthy should involve a LOT of water! We bought a one-gallon glass jug with a wide-mouth opening. Glass is easier to clean and less likely to harbor bacteria and encourage mold growth. Even better is that glass is ideal for putting drops of essential oil into the water! When you drink that much water you want to make sure to add things that will replace your electrolytes and other trace minerals - think Gatorade, only healthier and with a lot less sugar!

We use lemon or lime juice, a pinch of salt, a Tablespoon of raw honey, and 5 half-droppers of Mineral Essence, which give an extra boost of magnesium, calcium, Chloride, and a touch of salt.
We are also really excited to try one of Young Living's newest products: YL Vitality Drops! These are designed to flavor your water without the sugar or artificial colors, and add electrolytes from the Great Salt Lake in Utah! These were released this past weekend, so they are too new for us to have tried them yet, but you can bet you'll be hearing about them! Comes in two flavors: Grapefruit Bergamot and Lemon Lavender.
YL Vitality Drops

2. NingXia Red is a must-have drink for energy before-hand and recovery after a work out! In fact, this is the go-to drink Jeff looks for when he's just finished a marathon and wants to bounce back quickly! If you're already a member of Young Living, you'll have heard of this amazing drink, it is not just a "juice blend" like any other. This drink will bind free radicals and help your body use oxygen more efficiently - and when your body is oxygen-rich, you'll stay healthier longer, and the blood can flow more quickly from place to place making repairs and providing nutrients as needed.

3. A lot of the work your body does when building strong muscle and bones occurs *after* the workout is done. Before Jeff heads to his home gym, he stages the things he needs for after-workout care. Epsom salts with essential oils like Cypress or Idaho Balsam Fir (recently relabeled Idaho Grand Fir) or another magnesium boost, and to say thank you to hard working muscles.
4. Also included in the post-workout staging is a mason jar of pre-mixed Aminowise. This supplement uses Branched-Chain Amino Acids to help prevent muscle waste after his workouts, it helps reduce lactic acid quickly, and - honestly - he feels better when he uses it. It is one of Jeff's "go-to, never-run-out" supplements!

5. Finally, Jeff takes his Master Formula multivitamin within an hour of his workout so his body can process and use the nutrients and vitamins at the optimal post-workout time.

There are, of course, other things he does - eats a wide variety of real, non-processed fruits, vegetables, and meats, has a banana a half hour before a run, stretches, etc, but these five are such an integral part of his entire whole-body health routine that he won’t do without them and feels better when he makes sure to get them in daily.
If you’re already a wholesale or retail customer of Young Living and have an account number, you can log into your Virtual Office and order through there. If you are not already a member but would like to get the products mentioned at a 24% discount, you can message me or sign up here.
Here’s to your proactive health!
Disclaimer: I am a wholesale distributor of Young Living Essential Oils. Though I endorse them because I use them in day to day life, I also may receive a commission if you use the final link in this post to get your membership started. Using my personalized link will not only allow me to support my family of 10, but will also guarantee further contact and support from me in achieving your proactive wellness and financial goals.
Today is YOURS!! Go grab it and make amazing things happen! I’m cheering for you ♥️
~ Melissa
This is not a Young Living/Essential Oil/Crunchy living thing - because there is NO way to make Mac n cheese, in all it's gooey goodness, healthy. So just enjoy this for what it is, and know that you WILL get rave reviews for taking it to your next holiday get together or picnic in the summer. BONUS - I'll tell you how to do it in both the least-dishes-to-wash method, as well as the get-it-done-fast method.
Bonus #2: The cheese sauce is great on OTHER vegetables too and would make a phenomenal broccoli-n-cheese soup!
See that beautiful, exclusive Succulent Diffuser in the picture? Want to earn a free one?? Want to earn a free Rose Oil as the cherry on top??? Read on, my friend, for the basic details on each of three generous gifts from a young Living - and you can get the fine print Here. If you love “free”, this is the post for you!
How do you get the exclusive succulent diffuser? The following offers are all good throughout October 31, and will change to a new set of incentives in November.
A gift for your new and prospective members

1) Reach out to your contacts and show them the value of any of our Premium Starter Kits, explain that they’ll get an additional fee bottle of Nutmeg Vitality if they also sign up for Essentials rewards at the same time - then sweeten the deal with Young Living’s offer of free shipping! If you are one of the lucky Loyal customers who received a voucher last month, you can offer one new member $20 off of that first order too!
To get your free Succulent Diffuser
2) Sign up two new members with a Premium Starter Kit and Essential Rewards and get the free diffuser
To get your free bottle of Rose Essential Oil
3) Sign up four new members with the Premium Starter Kit and essential rewards and receive a free Rose oil!
Now, go read the FAQs and the Fine print, help people sign up, and get yours free!