This recipe is one that a friend of mine created a few years back that deserves to have the spotlight again. We'll be making them in our house this weekend - I hope you'll join us in our creativity!
I should note a couple of things before I just post this yummy-licious recipe on here: All the oils used by my Essentially Pampered friend are Young Living Essential Oils. Because we're talking about internal use here, the company and its practices matter.
Lavender Crepes
1 cup of flour
1/4 teaspoon Pink Himalayan Salt
1/2 cup Almond Milk
2 drops Young Living Lavender Vitality Essential Oil
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons melted butter
2 eggs
Mix dry and wet ingredients separately then combine (you can mix by hand or use a blender). Heat a frying/saute pan (oiled) over medium high heat. Pour 1/4 cup crepe batter into the heated pan. Roll/tilt the pan making sure to coat the bottom of the pan. Lightly brown (about 30-40 seconds), flip, repeat on other side, remove when done and place on wire cooling rack/plate. Repeat steps for remaining batter.
I should note a couple of things before I just post this yummy-licious recipe on here: All the oils used by my Essentially Pampered friend are Young Living Essential Oils. Because we're talking about internal use here, the company and its practices matter.

Lavender Crepes
1 cup of flour
1/4 teaspoon Pink Himalayan Salt
1/2 cup Almond Milk
2 drops Young Living Lavender Vitality Essential Oil
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons melted butter
2 eggs
Mix dry and wet ingredients separately then combine (you can mix by hand or use a blender). Heat a frying/saute pan (oiled) over medium high heat. Pour 1/4 cup crepe batter into the heated pan. Roll/tilt the pan making sure to coat the bottom of the pan. Lightly brown (about 30-40 seconds), flip, repeat on other side, remove when done and place on wire cooling rack/plate. Repeat steps for remaining batter.
Lemon Lemongrass Cream Cheese Filling
8oz package of Cream Cheese softened
2 tablespoons Confectioners Sugar
2 teaspoons Almond Milk
Splash of Vanilla Extract
1 drops Young Living Lemongrass Vitality Essential Oil
3 drops Young Living Lemon Vitality Essential Oil
Beat all ingredients until smooth and well mixed. Spoon into crepe (per your liking), roll up, sprinkle with Confectioners Sugar and drizzle NingXia Red on top! Eat & Enjoy!!