Quick!! Print out this cheat sheet, and use it for your personal shopper holiday checklist. Then head to the Young Living website to order what you checked off. See the whole holiday catalog <<< here

Six reasons to order this weekend:
1. The “collections” all have additional discounts and are sold “while supplies last”
2. All of the major shipping companies have already said that shipping will take much longer for products to arrive this season.
3. Each year we have items that run out and people who are disappointed at not being able to get their hoped for items
4. Get a jump on stocking stuffers
5. Get a jump on hostess gifts
6. Get some goodies for personal pampering before the stress of the holiday season starts

My top six:
1. Geranium Bourbon oil and bracelet set
2. Sweet Maple Bath Bombs (3 sets! One for me, and two to give away as gifts or stocking goodies!)
3. Kidscents Bath Bomb Collection
4. Soothe CBD roll-ons
5. Under the Mistletoe Lip balms (4 sets for me, gifts, hostess gifts, and stockings!)
6. Bloom Collection (I have a wedding to get this skin ready for!)