A long-running theme in our lives is simplification. It is one of those things we have to keep doing and re-doing over time as gifts come in, new babies are added to the family, moves happen... you know: Life occurs! 

So family time at the beach let's talk about budgeting, our... 

  • time,
  • space,
  • healthy habits,
  • money, and
  • family dynamics.

Increasingly, "budgeting" is taking on a far broader meaning than simply pre-planning and knowing where are finances are going. We've been looking carefully at how we - and our children - spend our free time and have been working on ways to increase our time together as a family. As our older young men head off to work each day, and our younger kids work on school work and learn more about helping out around the house, we've been working on a family calendar; to keep us motivated in our final press to become debt free, we've been listening to Dave Ramsey podcasts while we declutter and work on general clean up around the house; and we've continued to get rid of stuff around the house to make it easier and more pleasant to live in. Embrace minimalism! 

I'm also trying to make sure I do something to better understand my faith day to day.

The Orthodox Church in America has a pretty good list of podcasts to choose from, or how about the podcasts presented on Ancient Faith? There are several avenues out there for me to learn more about my faith and the Bible and what it contains.

And as this year has thrown challenge after challenge at our family (and the world!) we have kept it simple with taking care of our general health needs. This means cutting out plastic products where we can, wearing clothes made with natural materials like cotton and wool, and using our essential oils for keeping our house smelling nice, getting good sleep, taking care of all the things our little brown bottles do for us!

What do you do to keep you motivated and ready to take on life?
I need all the tips I can get on embracing minimalism!! Share those in the comments!


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