How Does She Do It?

How Does She Do It?
As my oldest is getting married tomorrow, I’m looking back at some older blog posts from one I previously wrote. The faces in these pictures are younger than what you’d see in our home now, and a part of me misses those days. But this is a good life, in all of its “doing”. Live every day to its fullest possible moment, because one day, the old pictures will bring it all back. 

I hope you enjoy my little note from a past self. And that it helps you see life in a different way.


What I Should Have Said

At the second funeral I’ve attended in Three weeks, I did not take the chance to stand up and say anything about my husband’s aunt. Ans it was one of those missed opportunities in life. Here is what I should have said... 

Navigating Junior High

Navigating Junior High
In looking back through my youth, the time of my life that I look back on with the most embarrassment and discomfort, is junior high. That stage between 11 and 13, where you're too old to keep playing little kid games, and think you know everything, but aren't old enough to accept that you don't (know everything, that is), and to top it all off, you want very much to be accepted by a group... any group.. and in the pursuit, you lose a lot of yourself for a little while and make some really un-wise decisions. Anyone else feel that way about those years?


Simplifying All Of Life

A long-running theme in our lives is simplification. It is one of those things we have to keep doing and re-doing over time as gifts come in, new babies are added to the family, moves happen... you know: Life occurs! 

So let's talk about budgeting, our...

What’s Your Compass?

If the recent changes in education have you pondering whether or not maybe you could homeschool after all, but you don’t know where to start, this is the blog post for you.

Homeschool, family, advice, education, kids, encouragement
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